Thursday 28 August 2008

Welcomes to U S and A

Weeeeeell I've been in the States for nearly two weeks now and its going swimmingly; met some real nice people, and some not so nice ones too.

Yesterday was International Student Orientation, and I met a LOT of people from the Uni at Giessen in Germany, apparently its some major exchange thing over there; I'm the only English person around here though which is a bit depressing. Although I DID meet a guy who claimed to be from Watford outside a mall the other day, but he spoke with and English accent in the way that Dick Van Dyke can be said to speak with and English accent in Mary Poppins (ie, poorly) so I reckon he was just taking the piss a bit.

The thousand people a day that attempt the English (or British as it is over here) accent are starting to grate a little, but on the upside, I've managed to educate a few Americans in the ways of the English obscenity, so its not all bad really.

The food here is odd, I don't actually think I've had a meal that DIDN'T include cheese; but Wisconsin is America's dairyland so I guess that's to be expected. Good if you like cheese, bad if you don't want to end up not being allowed on the plane back home because you're the size of a small factory.

I'm not missing home too much, thankfully; but I was kinda sad that I missed the last two 80p Wednesdays. Nuneaton is a total riot and I love it, but the small-town-everyone-knows-everything-about-everybody-else thing kinda gets to you eventually, so I'm sorta glad I get to flee the country every now and again :)

That is all from this week, pictures are on facebook, I'll update this sooooonly.

Thursday 21 August 2008

Bloody Tourists!

Last proper day in New York, we decided to go well touristy ... Times Square, Ripley's Odditorium, Statue of Liberty etc etc (and Ground Zero, but lets not bring the mood down).

Good news is that my throat hasn't been too bad today, and the chest pains that started Sunday night in the Tav have subsided. Think it was a dodgy vodka-dc ... mum thinks its stress :)

Can't wait to get to Milwaukee and get the hell on with this next three months; New York is fun but its too much like hard work for my liking. Plus I'll get a decent shower, the one in the hostel is a little grim. And pink.

I missed you all last nite on the old 80p Wednesdays, but apparently you're all off to Leeds or Newquay today anyways so nobody went; I did, however, enjoy the fact that I managed to sleep last nite (can't sleep when I'm drunk) AND didn't wake up with a raging hangover. Who knew Thursdays could be spent not wating Peep Show and tucking into a nice bit of stuffed crust? Well, actually we're off to Little Italy again tonight for pizza, and if I manage to sort my codecs out I could technically still do that...

Anyhoo, pictures to follow on FaceBook once I get my laptop sorted in Milwaukee, of both my travels in New York and The Last Week of Summer (TM)

'Til next time, enjoy Leeds/Newquay/life without me...

Wednesday 20 August 2008

The Ego Had Landed

So I've been in New York for two days and so far I've only bought one tshirt that was $5. Whats wrong with me?!

I've decided that mum and I are incredibly more Americanised that we'd originally thought, since we've eaten in McDonalds, Subway AND TGI Friday's already. I think I may be able to get used to being an American :)

I'm off to Milwaukee and college proper on Friday, so I'll be able to update you better then, rather than rushedly when there's a minute left on the hostel internet.

Cheerios (or is that Lucky Charms?)


Friday 8 August 2008


Hi all,

Just to let you crazy cats know that I'm having a house party to ''celebrate'' my leavage on Friday 15th August 2008 at my house from about 5pm...possibly venturing into town depending on how the evening progresses. If you could all be there it would be greatly appreciated! For directions etc, please email/text me :)

Thursday 7 August 2008

Countdown : 11 days 'til launch

Weeeeell I'm off to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to study for a year, so I thought I'd keep you all informed of my activities by starting to blog.

I'll update this mother if/when something fun happens. Feel free to comment, talk amongst yourselves about how emo/shit/suprisingly informative this actually is.